FUE Malaysia


Hair transplantation involves moving follicles from a high density permanent, (donor) area at the back of the head to a low-density balding (recipient) area. Furthermore not everyone is a good candidate for hair transplant. Here are the thoughts from Datuk Dr Inder, diplomate of ABHRS from Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia:

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Understanding Male Pattern Baldness

FUE Hair Transplant Candidate's 7 Stages of Norwood

Male pattern baldness is something that we treat in our clinic very often. There are many types of male pattern baldness, from stage 1 to stage 7 according to the Norwood classification. 

stage 1

Stage 1

At this stage, there isn't any significant hair loss or recession of the hairline.

stage 2

Stage 2

At this stage, There is a slight hair loss and recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.

stage 3

Stage 3

You will notice the first signs of small significant balding. The hairline becomes deeply recessed at both temples, resembling an M, U, or V shape.

stage 4

Stage 4

There is sparse hair or no hair on the vertex. The two areas of hair loss are separated by a band of hair that connects to the hair remaining on the sides of the scalp.

stage 5

Stage 5

The two areas of hair loss are larger than in stage 4. They are still separated, but the band of hair between them is narrower and sparser.

stage 6

Stage 6

The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.


Stage 7

The most severe stage of hair loss, only a band of hair going around the sides of the head remains. This hair is usually not dense and may be fine.

The signs and symptoms of hair loss in men may include the following:

Cause of male pattern hair loss



Family history significantly impacts hair loss. If anyone in your family has male pattern baldness, you’re likely to experience similar hair loss.


Hormonal Changes

Hormonal imbalances in males, caused by factors like thyroid dysfunction, low testosterone, or excess DHT, can lead to hair loss, fatigue, and mood changes.



Certain drugs, like chemotherapy agents, antidepressants, blood thinners, and beta-blockers, can cause hair loss as a side effect.



Physical or emotional stress can trigger temporary hair loss, known as telogen effluvium, by pushing hair follicles into a resting phase.


Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies, such as lack of iron, zinc, biotin, or protein, can weaken hair follicles and lead to hair loss.


Medical Conditions

Medical conditions like autoimmune diseases (e.g., alopecia areata) or scalp infections (e.g., fungal infections) can cause hair loss.



Overstyling with frequent heat or chemical treatments can damage hair follicles, leading to breakage and hair thinning.



Aging naturally causes hair thinning over time due to slower hair growth and weaker follicles.


Environmental Factors

Environmental factors like pollution and UV damage can weaken hair, causing dryness, brittleness, and hair loss over time.

Understanding Female Hair Loss of FUE Hair Transplant Candidate

Female pattern hair loss is a progressive condition. This means that over time, women with hair loss may see their condition worsen with a continuously widening part and diffuse thinning overall. To help women understand and categorize their hair loss, air restoration professionals often use the Ludwig Classification Scale. This chart separates female pattern baldness into three grades based on severity:.

ludwig female
female hair loss
Grade I: Perceptible thinning of the hair on the crown, limited in the front by a line situated 1-3 cm behind the frontal hairline

Grade II: Pronounced rarefaction of the hair on the crown within the area seen in Grade I.

Grade III: Full baldness (total denudation) within the area seen in Grades I and II.

The signs and symptoms of hair loss in women may include the following:

Diffuse hair thinning over the entire scalp

Widening of central partition of hair

Positive hair-pull test

Thinning of the pony tail

Cause of female pattern hair loss



It is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks the hair follicles, and thus cause loss of hair. This condition is usually seen in women during childbearing years.



Physical or emotional stress can trigger temporary hair loss, known as telogen effluvium, by pushing hair follicles into a resting phase.



Anemia, which is caused due to iron deficiency, is also a prime reason for hair loss in women.



Chemotherapy causes your hair to fall out, though it is temporary and the loss will recover soon.



Hair Loss in women can also be due to over-consumption of Vitamin A, lack of protein or due to deficiency of Vitamin B (Biotin) in your diet.



Women suffer from sudden hair loss during or after pregnancy. This loss of hair is temporary.

How Much Hair Transplant Cost in Malaysia

Perhaps the biggest roadblock for people looking into hair transplantation is the fact that, put plainly, it ain’t cheap. How much you’re ultimately going to spend on hair transplant surgery depends largely on where you live, the extent of the procedure, and even the individual surgeon who does the procedure. And because it’s considered cosmetic surgery, insurance typically won’t cover it. That said, a general answer is thousands. In Malaysia a very rough estimate can be anywhere from RM 7,500 to RM20,000, depending on how much graft you need for treatment. You can estimate the average price for hair transplant by using the graft calculator cost:

Knows The Difference

Duration: 6-10 hours
Duration 4-5 hours
No Cutting
Strip cutting
No Stitches
No Pain
Pain usually tolerable/bearable
No Scars
Scars may be seen

Preparing Your Photos for Consultation

Every consultation for hair transplant starts with the process to determine your hair loss stage. Below are the five different types of pictures showing the different angles of your hair for both male and female. This is called 5 Angle Photos.

Preparing Your Photos for Consultation


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Dr Inder Team